What Is Ashy Skin?


Ashy skin gets its name from the greyish skin tone that resembles ashes.
This is a dry skin condition, where the skin appears whitish or grey.
When your skin is extremely dry, it is called xerosis. It can happen to
anyone irrespective of their age, race and skin type. With ashy skin,
your skin will feel rough and bumpy. You may also notice thin cracks
or lines on your elbow and knees.

Ashy skin appears more prominently on dark skin. But that does not
necessarily mean only people with darker skin will get ashy skin.
Most people suffer from ashy skin at some point in life as it is a
common skin condition.

1. Symptoms of Ashy Skin

  • Roughness
  • Flakiness
  • Itchiness
  • Cracks in elbow & feet
  • Skin peeling
  • Redness
  • Painful or burning sensation
  • Inflamed discolored skin
  • Rashes
  • Pink scaly patches
  • Crusting on the skin

What Causes Ashy Skin?

The main reason for ashy skin is a lack of moisture.
When your skin is dehydrated,
it becomes dry and itchy. The most affected areas of your body
due to dryness
are usually the face, arms and legs.

As mentioned, many factors may cause ashy skin. Environmental changes,
extreme weather conditions, washing hands frequently, inadequate hydration,
swimming in a chlorinated pool, mechanical or farming jobs that are rough on
the hands, or even a suffocating indoor atmosphere may trigger the skin condition.
When you consistently stay in a heated temperature or highly air-conditioned room,
your skin loses moisture and becomes dry. [1]

Another reason for ashy skin is age. When a person ages, the sebum oil production
reduces. It starts at the age of 40. [2]

1. Certain medical conditions can also be responsible for ashy skin.

2. Contact dermatitis is one such skin condition that causes extremely dry and
flaky skin. Typically it happens when you come in contact with any irritant or
pathogen that affects your skin and causes discomfort.

3. Eczema is another skin condition that makes your skin itch. It causes red rashes
on your skin. Usually, the most affected areas are your arm folds and below the knee.

4. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes pink scaly patches on the skin.
It may also trigger itching and discomfort.

How To Treat Ashy Skin?

1. Moisturize Your Skin

Dry skin is nothing but the absence of moisture. So, the easiest and most effective
way to get rid of ashy skin is to moisturize it regularly.
Moisturize your skin at least twice a day.

Practice using a deep moisturizing body cream right after you finish showering and
before going to sleep. Use a moisturizer that suits your skin type. Go for products
that have shea butter or cocoa butter as key ingredients.

2. Change Bathing Habits

Quit showering in hot water. Instead, use lukewarm or cool water for regular showers.
Limit the duration of your shower. The longer your shower, the more it strips down the
natural oil balance from your skin.

We hope that the article above helps with understanding what Ashy skin is.
Zaf Ansari ( Founder & Creator of Supercover HD Professional makeup ).