Understanding your eyelashes and the function of eyelashes An eyelash, known also simply as lash, is
one of the hairs that grow at the edge of the eyelid. Eyelashes protect the eye from debris, they
are sensitive to being touched, thus providing a warning that an object is near
the eye.
The eyelashes of the embryo develop between
the 7th and 8th week. Eyelashes take on average about seven to eight weeks to
grow back if pulled out. Their colour
may differ from that of the hair, although they tend to be dark on someone with
dark hair and lighter on someone with light hair. The follicles of eyelashes are associated
with a number of glands known as the Gland of Zeis and the Glands of Moll.
Glands of Zeis (so named after ophthalmologist
Eduard Zeis), are unilobar sebaceous glands located on the margin of the
eyelid. The glands of Zeis service the eyelash.
These glands produce an oily substance that is issued through the
excretory ducts of the sebaceous lobule into the middle portion of the hair
follicle. In the same area of the
eyelid, near the base of the eyelashes are sweat glands called the Glands of
If eyelashes are not kept clean, conditions
such as folliculitis (an inflammation) may take place and if the sebaceous
gland becomes infected it can potentially lead to adscesses and styes.
Glands of Moll (so named after oculist Jacob Anton
Moll), also known as ciliary glands, are modified sweat glands that are found
on the margin of the eyelid. They are
next to the base of the eyelashes and anterior to the Meibomian glands (a
special gland located at the rim of eyelash) within the distal eyelid margin.
These glands are relatively large and tubular-shaped. Moll's glands empty into the adjacent lashes.
Glands of Moll and Zeis secrete lipid that adds to the superficial layer of the
tear film, retarding evaporation. The
glands of Moll are prone to infection and blockage of its duct with sebum and
cell debris. Blockage of the gland's duct causes swelling which can manifest
itself as a stye.
importance of healthy eyelashes There are a number of diseases or disorders
involving the eyelashes to look out for and that the use of LASHFOOD can
contribute to avoiding:
Madarosis is the loss of eyelashes Blepharitis is the irritation of the lid margin (where
eyelashes join the eyelid). Eyelids are red and itching. The skin often
becomes flaky. The eyelashes may fall. Distichiasis is the abnormal growth of lashes from certain
areas of the eyelid. Trichiasis is ingrown eyelashes An external hordeolum, or stye, is a purulent inflammation of
infected eyelash follicles and surrounding sebaceous (Zeis) and apocrine
(Moll) glands of the lid margin. Trichotillomania is a disorder that urges the sufferer to pull
out scalp hair, eyelashes, etc.
LASHFOOD is a contributing help to thicken, strengthen and improve the health
of your lashes or eyebrow hair.
Cosmetics for the Eyes
Long eyelashes are considered a sign of femininity in most if not all cultures.
Accordingly, some women seek to enhance their eyelash length artificially to
appear more feminine and sexually desirable with procedures such as eyelash
extensions. Many people use different
types of cosmetics to enhance and emphasize their eyes, such as, mascara,
eyeliner, eyeshadow, all of which help to emphasize the eyes.