Skin Tones falls in different undertone categories. The information here is to guide you to find a suitable Supercover Foundation colour for your personal skin tone.
Understanding Undertones The word undertones simply means the colour of the foundation versus the true underline layer of your skin. If you look at the different categories and the different faces in our foundation section you will notice the different undertones.
 | Supercover |  | Pic 1 - Pink Tone | | Pic 2 - Yellow Tone |
Pic 1 shows a pinkish tone and pic 2 shows a more yellow to golden tone. This means the model on pic 1 has a pink undertone in her skin and the model in pic 2 has a yellow to golden undertone in her skin. This is what undertone means.
Understanding the natural tone of the skin How do you relate undertones to your own personal skin colour? If you look at your own face in a mirror you will notice that everyone has skin discolouration light and dark areas of the skin all of which gives a false reading of colour. However, if you look behind the ears, by the neck line these are areas often known as the underline layer of the skin and do not usually contain any form of discolouration. If you study your skin with a hand held mirror in natural daylight you need to be looking for either a pink, yellow, gold, red or olive tone on the neck area.If you are then able to identify that you have a pinkish tone in your skin then you have a pink undertone. If you identify a yellowish tone then you have a yellow undertone.
How do I find my colour? Once you have identified which category of undertone you fall in then it would be easier to find the correct foundation for yourself. The foundation colours vary from light to dark, click here for a full list of undertones.
 Pic 3 - Olive Tone
If you have a gold to olive tone like the model in Pic 3 then you are looking at foundation colour numbers 40, 21, 22, 26, 33, 23 and 28.
Under the foundation tab you will find all the Supercover foundation range. If you have a yellow tone in your skin and if your skin is light yellow then you are looking at colour numbers 10, 11, 18 and 20. If you have medium yellow tone in your skin then you are looking at colour numbers 6, 7, 11, 17 and 19. If you have dark yellow to golden tone in your skin then you are looking at colour numbers 38, 39, 35 and 41.
We would be delighted to help and guide you further about your personal skin colour, application, concealing techniques and full coverage. Please email or call on 01273 878 100.